Criminal Law Defense

We are a dedicated team of criminal law defense attorneys in Bloomington. Our aim is to protect the rights, freedom, and future of those we serve. We offer strong legal representation for various criminal charges. With vast knowledge of the criminal justice system, we defend cases like DWI, domestic assault, and drug charges.1

Our team is recognized for being assertive and clear with clients. We have a great history of dismissing or lowering charges. Our hard work, professionalism, and care for those we represent make us the top criminal defense firm in Bloomington.1

Key Takeaways

  • Dedicated team of skilled criminal law defense attorneys
  • Providing unwavering legal representation for all types of criminal charges
  • Leveraging deep expertise and experience in the criminal justice system
  • Vigorously defending clients facing a range of criminal offenses
  • Recognized for aggressive advocacy and successful track record

The Background: Understanding the Criminal Justice System

To understand the criminal justice system, we must see its many parts. In the U.S., there are federal, state, and local laws and courts. Each has its role and way of working.2

Judicial vs. Administrative Courts

The U.S. and French criminal systems differ in court types. The U.S. handles all types of cases in its courts. In France, courts are divided by the law they apply, separating criminal justice from disputes involving the government.

This means in the U.S., a single court system manages all cases. But in France, two separate court systems have different responsibilities.

Levels of Criminal Courts

The U.S. has a tiered system of criminal courts. This ranges from local to state and federal courts. Each level has its rules and deals with different cases.2 It ensures cases are managed properly based on their complexity and seriousness.

Knowing the details of the criminal justice system is vital. This knowledge helps lawyers effectively represent their clients. It also guides anyone moving through the legal world.23

From Investigation to Prosecution

In France, criminal investigations work differently than in the U.S. Here, judges, not prosecutors, oversee the investigation in complex cases. They guide the efforts. These judges, called juges d’instruction, can order many types of investigations. This includes making suspects stay in jail before their trial.4

Reporting of Facts and Decision to Prosecute

In France, investigative judges gather evidence and inform the public prosecutor. It’s then up to the prosecutor to decide whether to start a criminal case. This is opposite to how it works in the U.S., where prosecutors mainly lead investigations and decide about prosecution themselves.4

Judges Leading Investigations

The French legal system is unique in that judges take a big role in investigations. These judges have the power to order searches, talk to witnesses, and question suspects. They aim to carefully review all evidence fairly before deciding on a criminal case.4

criminal investigation

Defendant Custody Practices

In France, the process around defendant custody is very different compared to the U.S. system. Here, judges have strong authority to keep suspects in jail before their trial starts. This can go on for a long time.5 French judges lead criminal investigations actively, which is why they can keep defendants behind bars for months, even years.5

Things in France are the opposite of the U.S. idea, where staying innocent until proven guilty is more significant. The French way and the American way of handling defendant custody show how their legal beliefs differ.6

Defendant Custody Practices French Criminal Justice System U.S. Criminal Justice System
Role of Investigative Judges Investigative judges have significant powers to order pretrial detention of suspects Prosecutors lead investigations, with more limited powers to detain suspects pretrial
Typical Pretrial Detention Duration Suspects may be held in custody for months or even years before trial Pretrial detention is more limited, with a stronger presumption of release
Underlying Philosophies Prioritizes judicial control over investigations and extensive pretrial detention Emphasizes presumption of innocence and limits on pretrial detention

Knowing these big differences in defendant custody is crucial. It helps lawyers work better in cases that involve both French and U.S. rules. They can protect their clients the best way possible.6

The Role of the Victim

In France, the victim’s role in a crime case is different from the U.S.7 Victims there can do more, like starting an investigation. They can do this even if the prosecutor hasn’t.8 This is called a “civil party” claim. It lets victims join the criminal case officially.

With this claim, victims can ask the judge to start investigating.8 This power means victims can act to get justice. They don’t just have to wait for the authorities.

Victims Initiating Criminal Investigations

France lets victims do a lot more in crime cases than the U.S.8 In the U.S., many victims don’t report the crime. But in France, victims can actively join the case.

This means victims have a say in the criminal process. They can make sure their side is heard.8 By being a civil party, victims get a lawyer. They can ask questions, speak up, and see the case details. This makes their part in justice stronger.

Long-Arm Jurisdiction Considerations

The French criminal justice system has special long-arm jurisdiction rules. These rules can greatly affect people and companies from the U.S facing legal issues in France.9 If a crime happened abroad but affects France’s important interests, or if it involves a French national, French courts can claim authority. This means that crimes done outside France might lead to legal action there.10

The Fifth Circuit in the U.S. is known for handling cases involving drug smuggling into the country.10 It’s decided that the U.S. government can arrest and charge people who break American laws, even if they’re caught in international waters.10 Similarly, French legal authorities can look into crimes that happened beyond their borders. This can make things difficult for U.S. citizens and companies dealing with the French legal system.

The Convention on the High Seas, proposed for U.S. approval by President Eisenhower in 1958, emphasizes sea freedom and the right of each country to fully control its ships when at sea.10 Yet, the part allowing the International Court of Justice to intervene was not accepted by the U.S. Senate.10 This shows how complex the long-arm jurisdiction issue is. It also hints at how legal troubles in France may come up, even for acts done elsewhere.

Key Considerations Impact
Extraterritorial Jurisdiction French courts can claim they have the right to look at crimes done in other countries if French citizens or national interests are involved.9
Self-Executing Treaties If a treaty is self-executing, it becomes U.S. law without more steps. Without self-execution, Congress must make it U.S. law.10
Defendants Arrested on High Seas If caught at sea, people must show that a treaty only needs to be signed to avoid U.S. jurisdiction.10

To protect themselves, U.S. citizens and companies should know about long-arm jurisdiction in France’s legal system. This knowledge can help them reduce risk and plan the right legal responses. This is important when facing criminal accusations in France for acts anywhere else.

Long-arm Jurisdiction

Investigation Confidentiality and Attorney-Client Privilege

In France, attorney-client privilege works differently than in the United States. It’s not as broad. Here, discussions between company lawyers and their clients might not be private.11 This means a judge investigating a case can ask for emails or other messages. Even communications with lawyers might come out during a case.12 Also, the secret nature of investigations is protected heavily. This can make it tough for lawyers to help their clients right from the start.

Limited Attorney-Client Privilege

When it comes to hiding crimes, the lawyer-client secret might not hold up. It’s more about stopping crimes from happening than fixing what’s already done.12 If a lawyer keeps quiet and someone could get hurt, they could get in trouble. Not all crimes are treated the same, though. There are rules on when lawyers need to tell the authorities to stop a crime from causing money problems.12 Each state has its own take on this. They try to find the right balance between keeping people safe and respecting private talks between lawyers and their clients.12 And if a conversation is about doing more wrong, like lying in court or trying to hide money, that’s likely not protected.12

Criminal Law Defense: A No-Deal Environment

The U.S. system often involves plea deals, but France takes a different route in criminal law defense.13 In France, it’s rare for defendants to work out deals for lighter charges or sentences with prosecutors.13 Defense lawyers have few chances to talk directly with prosecutors and sort things out before trial.13 This is unlike the U.S., where talking with prosecutors before court is much more common.

Rare Plea Bargaining Opportunities

In the U.S., plea bargaining is a big part of how criminal cases are resolved, but France doesn’t follow this model.13 There are very few opportunities for a defendant to try and get a better deal, like less serious charges or a shorter sentence, from the prosecutor.13 This is very different from how things work in American courts, where deals are often made before cases go to trial.

Limited Prosecutor Interactions

Another major difference is how in France, defense lawyers and prosecutors don’t meet and talk as much before court.13 In the U.S., it’s normal for lawyers on both sides to have lots of meetings and discussions. But in France, these talks are heavily restricted.13 Because of this, defense lawyers have fewer chances to change the prosecutor’s mind or affect their case’s direction before trial.

Facing the no-deal setup in France is a big challenge for those in criminal defense. Understanding the system’s specific rules and working within its limits is key to getting good results for our clients.13 It requires being smart and flexible in how we approach cases, given the restrictions of the system.

criminal law defense

Trial Strategies and Surprises

In France, criminal trials work differently than in the U.S. Most cases, especially business crimes, are heard by a group of judges, not a jury. These judges are professionals and they are very involved in the proceedings. They lead the questions for everyone involved but allow less back-and-forth debate compared to what you might see in American courts. This setup means the judges have a big say in how the trial goes.14

Bench Trials with Active Judges

In France, a panel of judges, not a group of jurors, make the decisions. Because of this, the judges take on a very active role during the trial. They ask most of the questions and make sure all the evidence is looked at thoroughly. This can make trial strategies both more complicated and more flexible.15

Flexible Rules of Evidence

Compared to the U.S., France’s system allows for a lot more leeway with evidence rules.14 This flexibility means lawyers on both sides can use a wider variety of information to support their cases. But, it also means they need to be very skilled at choosing what to present. This can make or break a case in French courts.15

criminal trial strategies

To succeed in French court, lawyers need to understand these differences well. They must be ready to adjust their tactics to fit this unique setting. With our team’s deep knowledge and wide experience, we can give our clients the best possible chance, even with the challenges of French court practices.15

Sentencing Considerations

In Florida’s criminal justice, sentencing is different from the rest of the U.S.16 There, judges have a big say in what sentences to give. People can appeal their conviction and sentence here a lot. It’s like getting another chance in court on the appeal.16 Also, unlike other places, Florida lets prosecutors challenge not-guilty rulings. This makes things even more intricate.16

17 In Florida, crimes get point values. The most severe crimes get the highest points.17 A person’s criminal record also matters. Serious past crimes add more points. Things like how badly the victim was hurt can add more points too.17

18 In Miami, a law firm called DMT has a lot of experience with sentencing laws. Their lawyers have helped hundreds of clients in courts.18 The system follows clear rules set in 1984. But, judges can sometimes make exceptions based on special circumstances like if someone helped in the prosecution.18

Felony Level Point Value
Level 10 116 points
Level 9 92 points
Level 8 74 points
Level 7 56 points
Level 6 36 points
Level 5 28 points
Level 4 22 points
Level 3 16 points
Level 2 10 points
Level 1 4 points

To understand Florida’s sentencing, you need to know its special rules. Working with skilled criminal defense attorneys can help. They protect your rights and look for ways to reduce your sentence.


In France, the way criminal law defense works is very different from the U.S. system. There are unique aspects like the active role of investigative judges and few chances for plea bargaining. Observing the flexible rules of evidence and the wide rights of appeal is essential. Navigating the French criminal courts well means understanding these special features and procedures.

Knowing these differences helps U.S. criminal defense attorneys be ready for cases in France. It’s important to work with skilled local lawyers for the best results in this unknown legal world.

The criminal justice scene is always changing, so staying updated is key. Mixing our know-how in U.S. criminal law with a detailed understanding of the French system helps us offer top-notch defense. This is true for any clients, whether they’re dealing with charges in the U.S. or France.19


What makes your criminal law defense services stand out?

We are dedicated to safeguarding our clients’ rights and future. Our team of skilled attorneys offers strong legal support. We excel in criminal law and are known for our aggressive defense and success in court. We are transparent and always communicate clearly with our clients.

How does the French criminal justice system differ from the U.S. system?

In France, the legal system has two types of courts. Judges lead investigations and decide if a person must stay in custody. There, victims have a big say in investigations, and a criminal case can start at their request.

What are the unique considerations regarding long-arm jurisdiction in the French criminal justice system?

French courts can handle cases from other countries under certain conditions. If a French person is involved or if France’s interests were hurt, they might take the case. This means crimes committed elsewhere could lead to a trial in France.

How does the concept of attorney-client privilege differ between the French and U.S. criminal justice systems?

In France, attorney-client privacy isn’t as strong as in the U.S. In-house lawyers’ talks with their companies might not stay private. During an investigation, a judge can ask for these conversations or documents. This includes anything that involves a lawyer.

How does the French criminal justice system handle plea bargaining and prosecutor interactions?

In France, talking deals before trial doesn’t happen much. There are few chances to make deals, unlike in the U.S. Also, lawyers don’t usually talk to the opposing prosecutor directly about the case before court.

What are the unique features of criminal trials in the French justice system?

Business crime trials in France involve professional judges, not a jury. These judges ask questions and lead the case discussion. The court is more open to different types of evidence, making the trial process more varied.

How does sentencing differ in the French criminal justice system compared to the U.S.?

Judges in France have a lot of power to decide sentences. Everyone, even the prosecution, can appeal a decision. This makes the legal process more complex for everyone involved.

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